Yes, that’s right, Cedar Hill Farmhouse (the blog) was created 10 years in March of 2011. I named it after our farm, and hit the publish button. I had no idea what I was doing, but that never stopped me. It was one of the best decisions of my life, and opened up a brand new world to me that I could not imagine before. I started it to connect with other like-minded creatives and to share photos and stories about my house. I learned a lot, honed my writing and photography skills, made a lot of mistakes, learned all about internet trolls, and poured my life into the blog. I worked from early in the morning until late at night most days to create content for readers. I am thrilled that because of sponsorships and affiliate relationships, I have always been able to provide my content free of charge, even though this has been a full-time job for most of the 10 years.
The reason I mention all of this is to encourage you to follow your creative passions. Pick up that paint brush, start writing, or fire up your sewing machine. You probably know what it is that you want to do. But maybe you think it’s too late. Maybe you think it’s not worth the effort, or you worry that you really aren’t good at it. What if you fail? What if you are really bad at it? What if people think you are silly? The reality is that other people’s opinions of you are none of your business. I don’t want you to have that regret, that you never tried that thing that you always wanted to do. If you love decorating, offer to help your friends who are ‘design challenged’. They will appreciate the help!!!
If you’ve been reading this blog for awhile, you probably know a lot of this, but there are always new readers, so here we go.
This was the first photo I uploaded to my blog. Well, what can I say? I’m a mom, and I used to be a portrait photographer. The little one teaches 5th grade now!
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I’ve met so many wonderful people because of this blog. I’ve had so many opportunities to work with fabulous brands because of this blog. The magazine features HERE, my book HERE, and the fun of working on a TV show (in the background) has all been because of this blog.
It’s been a fun, fun, fun ride. As I look back over the past 10 years, it is with much happiness. I remember all of the good times, and tend to forget the bad, like the time the free hosting service took down my blog and I didn’t have a backup. It was eventually restored, and I learned some valuable lessons,
- Always backup your blog.
- Pay for your own hosting, so you don’t have less worry about your free hosting taking down your site for no reason.
I also am looking to the future. Lord willing and the creek don’t rise, I hope to continue my blog, at a leisurely pace and to continue our weekly podcast.
I’m still decorating obsessed and I don’t see that changing. As for big projects, I am planning to add some space to our farmhouse in the coming years, anticipating moving there full-time in the not too distant future. I don’t have a date yet, but we did decide that is probably where we will land, so that’s something. It only has two small closets, and not a lot of countertop space in the kitchen, so I see several areas I would like to make changes. I’ll post about these projects when we start working on them. Right now, I pinning images for the project. You can follow the board HERE.
I also want to add more color to our farmhouse, so that will be part of my plan. I know a lot of you love color and are so tired of the grays and the neutrals. I get it! I am ready for a change too. I still like both, but now I want a change.
I wanted to answer a few questions that I have gotten lately here.
The rug I designed for Dash and Albert sadly is sold out, so it is no longer available. Someone thought I might have some inventory at my house, but that isn’t the case. It’s a cream linen rug with a blue stripe. I wish I had a stack of them, but I don’t.
I’ve been looking online to see if I could find something similar for you. I’ve found a few.
Questions about our paint colors and other selections can be found HERE. This is an old list and doesn’t include the recent paint job at the farm. You can get that info HERE.
You can find the podcast Decorating Tips and Tricks in Apple Podcast app, Podbean, Spotify, etc. or go to our website HERE.
For an update on my book, French Accents, it looks like they are redoing the kindle version, and it isn’t available right now, but shows a new release date for any day now. It also appears they will be offering a paperback version (March 2021) along with the hardback version. You can find the book HERE.
Every year at this time, I think of you and am so grateful for your support. Well I appreciate you all year round, but every year on my blog anniversary, I try to express my appreciation to you.
We recently recorded this episode full of hot picks for your spring kitchen. It includes links for all of the products we mention. If you just want a link to the show notes, you can find them HERE.
Thanks for including me in your day.
Congratulations on 10 years! What a fabulous accomplishment. I love seeing Cedar Hill Farmhouse in my inbox. Thank you for making my day brighter as I read your blog.
Thanks Darcy. I honestly have a hard time believing it’s been 10 years!
Congratulations Anita! I’ve been inspired and brought great joy by your blog, podcasts and book! How wonderful that you’ll be landing at the Farm.
That is awesome Karen. That brings me joy to hear that.
How wonderful for you and your readers! I love your style and taste!
Thanks Peggy! I needed a break from blogging, but I’m ready to do more now.
Love keeping up with your family and homes. God is using you in a special way. Happy to know you’ll be landing nearby. Hugs to All! ❣️
Thanks Sharon! We love keeping up with you and your family as well.
You have inspired me these last 5 or more years! Thank you for sharing. You are are a true God-send!
Thanks Deborah. That makes me so happy to hear it’s been helpful information.
Congratulations! So much lovely! So Dash & Albert won’t be re-stocking your carpet? Love it and none of the others compare!
Sadly I don’t think they will Patti. It was a special design as part of the Design competition event. I noticed all of those winning designs are no longer in stock.
Grateful you are posting again- love your style, Anita! Thank you for 10 years of inspiration. Enjoy your move to the peaceful countryside.
Thanks Nan! It will be awhile, but I’m excited about moving there and making some improvements to the house too. I love a project!
Congrats! Anita! on 10 years of posting! I always enjoy “including you in my day” when I see one of your posts in my e-mail! I love reading each one!
So happy for you that you will eventually be moving to your Farmhouse. You are really going to enjoy the peacefulness there. There’s nothing like living in the country! It’s absolutely wonderful! It will be fun planning all your changes.
Thanks for all your wonderful posts, Anita! You just go ahead and post whenever you can as we will always be here! Bless you!
Your blog was the first one I ever subscribed to…I have enjoyed hearing and learning from you through the years. Your posts are enlightening and I love your sweet vibe . I wish you continued success and thank you for all your sharing. Blessings and hugs!
Hello Anita! I just found your podcast and blog a few weeks ago and I absolutely love both. I find myself taking so many notes!! Thanks to you and Kelly I have a real plan for all the changes I want to make in our house. Thanks and congrats on 10 years! PS I started a blog a year or so ago and I’m writing a book and I’m’s never too late!!
Mona, I’m so glad you left a comment. Yay on your plan too. Yes, it’s never too late, I so agree.
Congratulations Anita on ten years I know that I have been following you for at least eight of those years. I have your first book and you signed it for me. I really enjoy following you. You are one of my favorites. Good luck and looking forward to more. Gloria
Congrats, Anita… I’m thankful you share your successes and mistakes… it helps us ‘newbs’ to continue and strive for ‘best’!
Congrats! I have loved seeing your blog for years, listening to the podcasts and the transformations you’ve made. Hope I can make it that long.
Congratulations! I’m over here looking for some ruffled benches/ covers…. : )
Congrats Anita! You’re my go to blogger for French inspiration. I can’t tell you how much I still love your book and refer to it often!
Tried to reconnect with your post/blog but had a problem.
Hope this works
Always loved your decor suggestions
The front porch of your city home has been the inspiration behind the exterior of my home. I have been searching everywhere to try and find the same brick as your steps. Long shot, but is there any way you know what it is called? Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!
They are Texas brick Lisa. I hope that helps!
I’m all new to this but I love your sense of taste!! You certainly are an inspiration to me!!