Well I went over my top 5 decorating mistakes HERE. We had a lively discussion, and I enjoyed hearing what you had to think. So I have a few more to add to the mix today. I don’t think any of these are controversial, but we shall see. If I’m off-base I know you’ll tell […]
Archives for 2015
How to Give a Kitchen French Industrial Style
Oh my I have yet another kitchen redo that is sure to give you lots of ideas. I love the way Jamie had made her kitchen FABULOUS!! Here she is to tell us how she did it. I’m so excited to be here today! I’m Jamie and I blog at So Much Better With Age. […]
Pillows can change the look of a room without a big expense. Changing a chair of sofa can be expensive, so I prefer to just change the pillows to get a completely new look for a lot less. You can use colorful pillows like those shown above, or you can select pillows that are more […]
Yes this was the best kitchen styling tip I have found in the last year. I’m getting there. Just indulge me, while I tell my story. It started with a call from the magazine stylist who was preparing my home ready for a magazine photo shoot. She said, “They would love for the dishes in […]
The Decorating Mistake that Cost Me Thousands
Yes there is a decorating mistake that cost me thousands of dollars. Well maybe not a mistake but a decorating decision that is quite costly over the long haul. Let me explain. Like many, my tastes have changed over the years. We’ve had a brown plaid sofa (given to us) a leather sofa, a blue floral […]
Discover 5 Things that Add Elegance Instantly
This is my study. Why don’t you come on it, and have a seat? Would you like a cup of tea? Here are 5 things I added to this room to add simple elegance. Are you ready? 1. Old Bottles These are very old and wavy, and I recommend very old bottles, but even […]
How a Kitchen went from Boring to Amazing
You are going to love this kitchen redo by Cindy from Edith and Evelyn Interiors. You will be amazed at what she did with a builder grade kitchen, turning it into a dream kitchen. Let’s find out how she did it!! Hello Everyone! My name is Cindy and I blog over at Edith and Evelyn […]
Recipe for a Romantic Bedroom
This is my take on a romantic bedroom retreat. You may have seen the bed already HERE. Now I want to show you the entire room. Here’s a little back story. When the guest quarters were finished, we put leftover furniture in here. You know, the stuff I didn’t really want in the house. It all […]