In the background you can see our cute shed that matches the house and the buffet line.
I had to use an assortment of chairs. The tables are covered with 2 large drop cloths.
I set the table with 24 vintage Mason jars filled with bluebonnets.
To unify the jars, I snaked this ribbon through the jars down the table.
I am not sure how to describe this ribbon, but it is tulle with three-dimensional flowers on it, another find from Hobby Lobby.
Here’s another look down the table.
I chose this spot, since it would be in the shade of the trees by the time we sat down to dinner. I also thought it would be perfect next to the trees, since I could set up the buffet line there in the shade, and then the buffet line would also be close to the house for those dining on the porches. You can see the house in the background below. Aren’t the flowers gorgeous??
Just for fun, I’ll going to show some of my favorite photos from the party. If you want more information about what I did, or where I got stuff, hopefully you can find that info in the appropriate post (links to the other posts are at the end of this post.) If you didn’t get your question answered, please post your question as a comment or email me. (My email address is on my profile or you can use the contact me form link in my sidebar.)
As guests said their good-byes, the sun set slowly in the evening sky. It was a lovely day, and now the party was over.
Oh how I’d love to go to a party like that just once!
Gloria in Virginia
It looks like a magazine shoot. It is all so perfect, but the great thing here is that we know it was a real party.
Love the theme of your party. No I don’t think you are complaining at all. You could also provide meat (if a cookout), then you could have guests assigned to salads, vegetables, desserts, etc. I see nothing wrong with this at all!
Love the blue bonnets….So beautiful!
That is gorgeous!!!! The filed full of these lovely blue flowers – everywhere!!!! Just amazing….
This is such a pretty series. I must say I am quite the fan of your work! It has inspired me to really think about some party ideas for the summer as well. I think its hard to beat a good ol bonfire and hot dog roast! It’s a springtime/summertime favorite here on our home – it could be a “hoe down throw down” as we call them! 🙂 Looking forward to your future party posts!
So amazing! So beautiful! I loved looking at all your pictures. The jars with bluebonnets and white tulle just lovely.
You have a party of any kind and people would be nuts not to flock over!
How did I miss these posts? I think it looked fabulous but I can see what a big undertaking it was. I hope you had a blast.
That photo with the shed in the background looks picture perfect, I can imagine that it will be pinned everywhere!
My kinda party! Everything looks so great and those flowers couldn’t be more perfect. I really like the arrangement in the wooden cola crate.
Great post! I don’t think I could ever get tired of wildflowers. They are so beautiful and especially endearing when it is our own Texas Bluebonnet. Headed over to check out your other wildflower posts. Enjoyed it.
I have enjoyed each wildflower party post! The flowers are gorgeous! I like your idea of drinks and desserts for the next party. You’re right it’s a job to plan, prepare and host a party for any amount! It was lovely and I know each guest was in awe!
Oh my sweet bloggy friend thank you for sharing more beautiful images from your wonderful party.The blue bonnets ( sorry I thought they were grape hyacinths when I left a comment before)make such a beautiful setting. Hugs! P.S> I hope you will join us at the hop tomorrow 🙂
Oh how beautiful all the flowers are in the field.
i love seeing your pictures! the one of the table in the field with the bluebonnets looks like a magazine cover….gorgeous!
A perfect hostess, as usual! Everything is absolutely gorgeous. I really love your shed, I wanted one just like it but our village “ordinance” says it can only be placed within a certain number of feet from our property lines, etc. and I want to place it somewhere else (of course)! Oh well. So glad your party was a success.
Looking at these more than beautiful photographs makes my heart sing! I really touches me on a deep deep level. You captured the day and the event so perfectly. It tells a story!
I bet it was even more spectacular in person!
I love your idea of a picnic. I would ask everyone to pack their own and you could serve drinks and cookies wrapped in wax paper bags for dessert!
Could you have some music… or hang up an old sheet and show a movie. It just seems like the right spot for a makeshift cinema!
I wish I could be there!
So so inspirational!
Anita, I so enjoyed seeing the party pics again. They are so captivating, especially to a fellow-Texan.
I do have a question, and it may have already been asked and answered, but did you guys plant the bluebonnets yourself, or have them planted? I would love to know more about that process. I’ve heard it can take several years to get the bounty you have.
Everything was so beautiful! I don’t think it could have been anymore perfect. I think the idea of a picnic is a fantastic idea. Angie 🙂
Amazing…so lovely in its simplicity and elegance.
I am coming over to visit from Living Life on Main Street, Latane, who just happens to be my Mom! She recommended your blog and I can see why! What an amazing party! I am blown away! I will have to check out your previous party posts too. I used to live in TX and miss those gorgeous bluebonnets!
To answer the question about the bluebonnets, we didn’t plant them, they are all wild. I have heard that if you fertilize your land, that the bluebonnets won’t grow there any more, so we haven’t done anything yet. Supposedly they like depleted soil.
There is so much to explore here! Thanks for adding the links. I’m planning a big summer party and this is going to be a great resource. I’ve got this post bookmarked and I’m a new GFC follower. Thanks for all the great ideas!
Hi Anita, I’m your newest follower! Over the last week, I’m been browsing all your post on your Wildflower Party. You did a great job! I pinned several pics for ideas for our annual 4th of July BBQ. Thanks for sharing, Tammy
My co~worker is the sweetest Texas Gal EVER! We work here on the Prairie and she really misses her family and homeland!!! I sent your blog to her in a link and she has been smiling EVER since!!! She said,”That’s the most beautiful sight !” Thanks for this lovely post!
OH How I Wish I WERE A Guest!! Just lovely — I can’t believe the details. I’m like you — I often kill myself for a party and then wish I had let a few things ‘go’. I would just do a pot luck. People LOVE to bring their favorite food. Then all you do is decorate and provide the beverages.
I have really enjoyed vicariously attending your party through your beautiful photos. And … I freely confess that I will be stealing, er, borrowing (hehe) some of your ideas for a family gathering this summer 🙂
Your tables lined up end-to-end remind me of the “Outstanding in the Field” dinner events – if you haven’t heard of them, definitely check them out!
I think a ‘potluck’ type party is just fine; we have done it often, and our guests didn’t mind. We have also done the meat and drinks, and ask guests to bring sides and desserts. Another thing our ‘neighborhood’ (in quotes, because we’re all on acreage, so not very close neighbors) has done is a large BBQ – we gather at a central property, bringing whatever meat we want to grill and share. We gather several bbq grills and cook it all up – everyone brings sides as well. It’s more of a community event, rather than a party, but also very fun.
Thanks for all the inspiration, and for sharing your hard work!
Anita, I have enjoyed every post with all your beautiful photos! I understand how you want to entertain, yet don’t want to commit to putting together another party! I love to have people over, but I get so wrapped up in things that I don’t always enjoy myself like I should. I once asked in-law family members to bring their own steaks and I would do everything else. I was met with so much resistance and complaints that my MIL ended up buying all the meat and the party went on as planned. I now realize that these are the same people who don’t reciprocate my dinner invitations. I’m sure you have much better friends ! Go for the picnic idea. 🙂
This is like a party straight from heaven!!! Oh Anita I love love this!!! To dine in a field of bluebonnets- heaven would be the word!!!
bee blessed
Everything is just beautiful! I love the long table in the field of bluebonnets. Gorgeous!
Pbrenner, actually the “Outstanding in the Field” dinners were our inspiration for the party. I wanted to have one very long table, but I didn’t have enough tables, and since we would be eating early, the tables needed to be in the shade, and long story short, I felt that we should use the front porch, the back porch, and this long table.
Anita, what a heavenly party! Seriously, your party pictures could easily grace the pages of a few decorating magazines. It looks like the weather was perfect! Wow! It’s been 12 weeks since Cowgirl Up has been launched! Thanks to you and the other gals for hosting this. I’ve found so much inspiration from clicking on the links.
Hi, visiting from the Truly Lovely link party. Again, this party is just stunning! I’ve never seen that type of tulle before with the flowers & I love your set up of the table, so chic & simple with a big impact! Have a wonderful weekend!
This is stunning! I want to get married there, right now!
Thanks for sharing,
Alecia @
Wow, Anita! You truly outdid yourself! It’s all just beautiful!!! You chose just the right time to hold a wildflower party amidst those blooming bluebonnets. You should start a career in party design consulting! 🙂
xoxo laurie
Oh so pretty!
how wonderful to have a place as special as this! LOVE the flowers!
I just discovered your blog and I can tell I’ll be back. I love the vintage items, the wildflowers, and your beautiful setting. Thanks for sharing.
Wonderful atmosphere! Love the flowers!
My invitation must have gotten lost in the mail. It’s okay. I’ll make the next one…
I was just swooning over your back porch over at Kristin’s. All beautiful! 🙂
Anita, I so enjoy your stories and love the fact that you, like me and a lot of other women have a “mind set plan” when we are planning anything from toast and tea in the morning or a full on party such as this one was. I don’t know if I told you my hubby calls me “Lana” which is Anal spelled backwards. That way, when I, like you, have outdone Martha Stewart, he can say, “Lana – enough!”. I loved the dish story as I too love to use real china but I now have beautiful acrylic dishes in all sizes for the deck. Plates, dessert and appy plates, bowls, glasse, serving platters and bowls etc. bought at end of season at Wal-Mart. Not one set but colour compatible. Oh, there is a Lana Club – now has about 89 plus members and you too can join or start your own “Chapter” with your friends. Cheers – love starting my day with your blog sweet girl. is my families website that I thought you would all enjoy. I enjoyed coming to your wild flower party. It is inspiring a party at the Jim and Rosa Wilson farmstead that I hope you all get to come to. has some of my Lazy Tree Ranch photos on it that I have just started to share with the world. Looking forward to partying with you more! Let the adventure begin. I am also on Pinterest and the Simpich name should bring you to the fun pins there.
You really did a beautiful job for this large outdoor party! I can only imagine the planning and time that went into this. I have given smaller parties, and know how much goes into getting it all together!
I think your picnic idea is great, especially for having a large crowd of people over! That way the hostess gets to relax a little and enjoy the party too!