I am featuring the living room/kitchen at my farm. I showed the living room recently with the daybed in here instead of a sofa. The daybed works better for us, since we don’t have a guest room, so this is often used as a bed. Actually if you have enough pillows on it, the daybed is as comfortable as a sofa.
Here we are standing in the kitchen looking toward the living room area. The front door is to the left. The hallway you see leads to the girls’ room and the back porch is to the right. The bread board and dough bowl are vintage.
Here we are looking at the daybed. You can see the door to the back porch on the right. I have 3 layers of pillows on the daybed so you can sit and still keep your feet on the floor. I removed the pink pillows and put neutral ones on the daybed as my husband requested.
If you look at the back door, to the right is the kitchen. This little table is one I bought for the mountains, but it just worked in here. I love marble topped tables. The table is vintage, along with the crock, the vase/urn and the bread board.
Looking the other direction you can see part of the kitchen with the antique mirror on the wall. The doorway leads into the master bedroom. I love how the light streams in this house. Because the house is so small, all of the rooms have windows on two sides of the house. That really means a lot of light comes in. The cabinets were painted SW Prairie Grass, and the walls are SW Windsor Greige.
I keep vintage ironstone in this little pine shelf in the kitchen.
Here’s another mirror, but this one is not vintage.
I love this awesome lamp I found at Round Top. It’s made form an old porch post.
Here’s a close up of the crock. I love the ‘4’
I always love seeing your beautiful farmhouse Anita. In awe of that wonderful daybed. So many beautiful details in every corner! Have a great weekend and Happy Easter!
I always love how fresh and simple your style is, Anita! And your beautiful daybed and botanical prints are so charmingly French. All your homes just ‘feel’ good and this is no exception! Beautiful!
Have a blessed Easter!
Lynda @ Gates of Crystal
Oh I loved seeing this room closeup…pretty pretty pretty Anita! I think my favorite things were the crock and that mirror, even though it isn’t old.
Hi Anita – I love your farmhouse so much and think the daybed is perfect in your space. I regret that we no longer have room for ours, but I keep in the attic for “one day”. ๐ Amanda
So fun to see your farm and there are many things that I sure wouldn’t mind “borrowing” from you for my own place! Have fun at Round Top.
So beautiful, Anita. I love the botanicals and that wonderful wall shelf filled with ironstone and of course the bread boards! Have a fabulous weekend and Happy Easter!
Such a pretty house Anita! I too love the crock with the 4 on it. Little details like that make something just so special. Thanks for the inspiration!
Anita, I really love your vintage pieces! They add such character to your rooms. I’ve been looking for a dough bowl for a while and I think it’s great mixed with the bread board. Also loving the pillows on the day bed. How wonderful to have such light!!
Love your farmhouse Anita, I could shop there! Lol! Have fun in Roundtop!
Such a lovely tour, Anita! I am so thrilled to be on this tour with you! I love the part about switching out the pink pillows! I LOL’d. My husband recently told me no more blue and white… my signature! HA! Here is the correct link to my post for those looking… http://11gables.blogspot.com/2016/03/eleven-gables-home-spring-home-tour_25.html
Love it all. Love that mirror with the candelabra so pretty and unique.
Happy Spring. Happy Easter.
I love your farmhouse kitchen, Anita! And the daybed is the perfect touch in the living room! I hope you are having fun at Round Top…definitely on my bucket list! Loving our tour! Hugs…Debbie
Thank you for giving me a Spring Tour of your living/kitchen at the Farmhouse, dear friend!
I am quite smitten with your round back chairs at your dining room table!
The mirror near the stove is stunning!
I adore how open the space is and how the mirrors reflect the light within the space!
Have a blessed Holy Week and Happy Easter!
P.S. Much $uccess at Round Top!
About to begin painting our family room. Just when I was positive about my color choice I see these photos, lol! Are your living room walls SW Windsor Greige, as well? I so wish New Jersey was closer to Round Top …enjoy!
Susan, all of the walls at my farm are SW Windsor Greige. I have all of the paint info here. https://cedarhillfarmhouse.com/2015/07/what-color-is-that-wall-and-more-questions-answered.html
Love the picture of the vintage bread board and the bowl. Beautiful …..
Hi there! I’m dying for the floral prints above the day bed! Will you be selling these or can you share where I can purchase them? Thank you!!!
I will try to carry them again Erin. Thanks for your interest.
Hello Anita, So glad to have found your site. I love coming here! May I ask you where or what type of shades you have on your door and windows? I absolutely love your home and am working on making mine prettier!
Thanks so much,
You can find that info here Rose. https://cedarhillfarmhouse.com/2015/07/what-color-is-that-wall-and-more-questions-answered.html
Hi Anita!
I loved your tour – you have such great style. Looking at the little table with the #4 crock, I feel that I need to tell you that I think that it’s a butter churn rather than a crock. I say that because of the shape, the size, and the lip. It’s missing it’s paddle (the wooden stick) and it’s lid, but I’d almost bet money on it being a butter churn rather than a crock. Which makes me love it even more!
Oh I think you are right Colleen! Great eye.
Anita, I just love to go on tour first thing in the morning and the best part is that I don’t even have to leave home. lol It gives me a jump start on my day on what to do ,change or make over. I love your home and all the inspiration that you have given me. Thank you so much. I’m heading out shortly to get my out door rug and I can hear my hubby groaning from the corner already. haha He doesn’t like to see me on the computer ’cause he knows his time is coming to go shopping. I can’t help but laugh all the way to the shops. LOL Have a beautiful weekend. Enjoy your lovely home. Smiles from TN.
I love all of your bunnies! I too love Easter…and I have the bunnies and rabbits to prove it. I love Easter as it symbolizes a “fresh” start…now and when He arose!