Furniture will be painted in the post.
You have been warned, hee hee.
Do you love painted French furniture? I hope so, and if you do I think you will like this little paint job.
It’s a lovely little cabinet, and I never intended to paint it, but it’s so… well.. dark.
And so after years of leaving it alone, I relented and took my paint brush out of it’s little paint brush holster, and did it.
Well? What do you think?
The paint is Chawk Paint in the color Stanley. It was provided by Southern Honey Paint.
I’m pretty happy with the new look. I honestly hesitate painting real antiques like this, but this was so dark, it was difficult to work with. The paint lightened it up, and gave it a fresh modern look.
The hardware was impossible to remove, so I just painted it also.
This is one of those projects that I wonder why I didn’t do it a long time ago. When the piece is super dark, it is very difficult to see all of the intricate carved detail that pops when the piece is painted.
I really like a mix of painted and stained furniture. The table and console are not painted. You can see them here if you like. DINING ROOM
I only mention that because there seems to be a camp of those that like painted furniture and those that don’t. I really, really like both, and try to have painted and stained furniture in most rooms. If everything is painted white, I think the room tends to lack depth. And adding a painted piece can really add a flourish to a room.
As a side note, I painted this one day while I was home alone. I listened to the audiobook version of Julia Child’s book MY LIFE IN FRANCE. I had read it before, and seen the movie, but it was so fun to hear it this time. I have to say I admire her greatly. Okay that had nothing to do with the cupboard, but it’s a good read, if you are looking for something.
Here’s a link to the book if you are interested. It’s an affiliate link, so if you buy it, I think I make about 5 cents. At the end of the month I plan to pool my earnings, and buy a cup of coffee.
I adore painted furniture, it always brightens a room. This piece looks so much better painted, thanks Anita.
Wow, Anita! I love painted pieces like this one. You did an excellent job and it looks fabulous!
Thanks Susie!! I really like it with paint!
Oh my, what an amazing difference! It looks absolutely stunning painted white! You did an excellent job on giving it an aged look. Bravo! Thanks for sharing, Anita.
I think your piece looks great and I agree about like liking both! Some pieces just look better with paint!
Beautiful! I like it so much better! Did you sand over the detail, or add wax? It really stands out now. On another note, I want to thank you for posting EVERY SINGLE DAY. I read other blogs, and some will skip for 20+ days. I know it’s work, and I appreciate what you do!
I very, very lightly sanded. I didn’t want to wear away any of the details. The effect was mainly created with wax.
That is horrible. It was a beauty with its natural wood. Ruined.
I did warn you Donna. 🙂
Love french painted furniture as well and I agree that your piece is so much prettier with it’s white makeover.
Ha ha… good morning laugh… 🙂 I love the piece painted! It’s beautiful and I love the color you selected. You actually solved two of my problems in this post because you’ve inspired me to tackle painting furniture (I’ve been mulling the idea around for awhile and can’t seem to get past the intimidation) and you also gave me an idea for an opportunity to be listening to my book for my book group. I enjoy audio books but in the summer I always listened when I exercised outside, but now that it’s colder and I’ve brought the cardio indoors, I’ve fallen behind in my reading. Need a project to push me forward!!
Lory, you’ll love that book!
I love it!! I loved it dark, but it is gorgeous painted. The chair is stunning as well
much prettier painted, no doubt about it.
These projects always present a dilemma for me. Your finished piece is beautiful and looks much better now, in its’ surroundings. But I always fret about losing a valuable antique piece, and this one seemed quite unique. In the end … it is yours, to do with, what you will. This pairs up nicely with that cute little painted chair. Nice work.
I know I too hate to paint an antique. In this case it wasn’t that expensive, and it was just too dark. I think the new piece is worth about what the old one was in this particular case. If it were some super rare antique, no I wouldn’t touch it, because yes it’s value would be greatly diminished.
I know what you mean about waiting to paint furniture, Anita. There is always that nagging question in the back of your mind. But I am all for painted furniture and, really, it’s only a valuable antique if you sell it to the “right” buyer anyway 😉 I love your painted piece.
So wish it were mine! don’t you just love it Anita?
What an amazing job, it looks like you found it in some rural French shop in France 🙂
Another great piece to love, not only did you make me want to move furniture around the other day, I now wish I had something to paint in the lines of your piece.
Happy ThanksGiving.
I think the piece looks great painted. Bravo!!! And I love your sense of humor. Wish more peeps were like you.
xxox – Donna R.
It is lucky Anita.
Like you I have both painted and wood pieces in my home. In the dining room the table and china cabinet are still unpainted, but the sideboard and the chairs are white. I luv the mix.. You really did a beautiful job painting this piece.
oops, auto correct….. luvly.
OOps, auto correct.
* luvly.
Your little cabinet turned out so well! I generally have no qualms about painting over wood-stained finishes because I never have valuable antiques in my possession! Paint adds character and a note of color to the decor of a room. The paint and the dark wax serve to bring out the details and curves to a lovely cabinet like yours that otherwise might not be noticed . I have sold several painted pieces that went from walnut to wow! with paint and wax and a little distressing thrown in. Love your results!
I find it much much better now! I paint all my furniture too…
Love, love, love! And I also love the art …the two girls and the rabbits. Would you care to share the titles/artists name? Love all you do!
Thanks Barb. I don’t have that information. I sure wish I did.
Darn, darn, darn! Would it be too rude/intrusive/bold/awkward to ask you to send me a good photo of each of the pictures to my email address? I’d love to see if I could find copies. Hope I’m not too awful to ask…..
Love it, Anita. And I love the chair also. I painting a chair like this one right now. I just need that cute little ruffled seat cover!! 🙂
It looks lovely painted! Good change for the room.
I think it looks 100 times better. I am like you , sometimes I like things painted and sometimes not. This turned out beautifully.
Thanks Wendy, me too!
Love everything you do. Would you mind to share the paint color of this room? I’m getting ready to paint, and I love the color and also the color you painted the chest. I will try to order from the information that you listed.
Thank you,
The room is SW agreeable gray.