Electronics are an important part of our lives but can be a decorator’s nightmare.
To be honest, since I began blogging, I really don’t have time to watch much television, but my family revolted when I suggested than maybe we didn’t need cable any more.
And each day, as everyone leaves for work or school, I have been left to look at this.
It taunts me.
It mocks me.
Sometimes it even blinks its little light at me.
Sure it’s one of those flat panel models so it doesn’t take up much space, but still, if I’m not watching it, then I don’t want to see it.
So, if I can’t get rid of it, then I thought that maybe I could at least hide it. The other TV’s are hidden in armoires, but this one sits out in the open. I decided that if I couldn’t get rid of it, the least I could do was cover it up. I decided to make a TV box cover. Haven’t heard of it before? Neither had I.
I decided one Saturday as Mr. CH was watching football (on the big TV) that I would tackle my TV cover. I decided I would make a cover out of MDF. I was headed to the store to buy the MDF. As I was headed to my car, I noticed a pile of boxes by the back door that I hadn’t taken to the trash yet. And then I had my light bulb moment.
I didn’t need to go to the store; I would make my box out of a…. Costco chip bag box.
Here’s what went through my head.
MDF box versus Costco box
Requires trip to store No trip required
Requires use of saw to cut No saw required
Requires assembly No assembly required
Requires money to purchase No money required
Not easily moved Easy to lift and put back
Well I think you can see why I never made it to my car.
This project ended up only using materials I had on hand, so it was a no cost project!
First, I taped the top flaps open, and removed the flap in the back. That will allow room for the cords in the back and for ventilation.
I decided to cover the box with burlap. My first thought was to sew a cover, but I know a lot of you don’t like to sew, so I decided to try a no sew version.
Next I measured the top, front, and sides of the box and cut burlap slightly larger than those dimensions. Using a tip from What Meegan Makes, to ensure I had straight seams, I found where I wanted to cut, and then pulled a strand of the burlap out of the fabric.
Then it was quite easy to see where I should cut.
I applied glue (I used gorilla glue, since that was what I had.) all over the surface I was covering, then placed the burlap on the box, smoothing it out.
After it was applied and there was a little overlap on one side and the bottom. I trimmed the sides, and tucked the extra fabric up inside the box on the bottom. Then glued the tucked fabric to the inside of the box. To ensure it stayed in place while the glue dried, I used clips.
I repeated this process for the top, 2 sides and the front of the box. I needed some additional glue on some areas on the corners.
Then when it dried, I planned to add some number stencils, but realized I had some lavender towels from France that would go oh so well with the lavender in my artwork. I decided to use my French towel instead. And… here’s the best part, it didn’t require a trip to the store.
Sometimes the best ideas come from sheer laziness.
I measured the front of the box, and folded the towel down to that size being careful to center the design on the towel. I then stapled the towel in place. I thought I might want to use the towel for something else later, so I did not want to cut it. The staples can be easily removed later.
This project took about an hour from start to finish. I’m not going to tell you my family is excited about it, but I will say, they aren’t complaining about removing the box when they want to watch TV. Had I opted for the MDF box, I think they would be revolting at the effort required to lift it.
I loved this project because
It was free (I used burlap scraps leftover from another project, a box headed to a land fill, glue, staples, and a French towel that I already had.)
It did not require a trip to the store.
It solved a design dilemma.
I was quick and easy (it took about an hour.)
(The best part was that it was so easy to take on and off that no one complained about removing it to watch TV.) SCORE!!
cute idea! I need to do something like this for my old ugly microwave!
that’s rather creative, and I like the image.
I don’t want you to see how big our family room TV is. There’s no hiding it. 🙂
Leslie (aka Gwen Moss)
My not-so-formal living room has an old (NOT flat) TV I’d like to chunk somewhere. We have a BIG TV in the family room and a fairly big TV in the master bedroom. I’m going to think on what I could do it hide it. My husband’s plan is to replace it with a BIGGER TV (but it would be flatter). That’s my sit by the fire and read room, why do need a TV in there at all?
my motto is “make the most with what you got”. Well done. I would have never thought that the box was covering a tv!
OMGosh this is a great idea!!! Project which can be done using the materials you already have are the best! I was actually think a wine box may do the trick but this is so much prettier and creative. Great job! Have a wonderful weekend!
You are truly the most creative one! I love this idea and it looks lovely sitting there on your buffet! 🙂 You may have started something.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia 😉
Love your trick, great idea. I hate seeing a TV mine are all in cabinets. What a creative girl you have been:)
That is a fabulous idea. Happy to be a new follower.
What a great solution to an annoying situation. It looks great, hides the screen and you didn’t have to go to the store! What more could anyone ask?
Seriously Anita, that’s pretty darn clever.
Anita, this is genius!!!! I sure wish I could figure a way ti hide the 2 BIG, UGLY TV’s in the morning room and our sitting room. The morning room one is sitting on a shelf but the other one is hanging on the dang WALL. OY!!!! Yours LOOKS beautiful!!!!! XO, Pinky
Anita, what a clever idea! I love, love, love this idea! Thanks for sharing!
I LOVE, LOVE this!!! Ingenious idea!!! And the best part, you didn’t have to make a trip to the store and used what you had!! It looks great and serves the purpose of hiding the TV from sight!!
Well, that’s a good way for everyone to be happy! Good job!
What a cute and clever solution! 🙂
Such talent and creativity!
Now how can you see that ingenuity as laziness, dear friend??? Remarkable!!!
P.S. I have a bedspread box in the garage with the fold over flaps. . .any ideas??? Ha!
Graet idea. Now if I could just find boxes big enough to cover our three big ‘ol flat screens I’ll be happy!
Looks fabulous and great job reusing and old box!
Very clever Anita! Such a pretty solution!
Great solution Anita.But our t.v is a giant and I would need a HUGE box! But you did give me an idea 🙂
Oh wow!! What a great idea, Anita!! You are always on the ball and SO creative!!
Thanks for the shout-out!! I appreciate it more than you know 🙂
Have a beautiful Thanksgiving
Well, aren’t you clever!! I think it’s a great idea 😉
Love it and it looks great! Necessity is the mother of invention and laziness is it’s twin sister! lol I’ve so been there! 🙂
From one Anita to another….great idea!!! Very creative and decorative too!!! Love it!!!
That is a great idea especially for a smaller tv that doesn’t hang on the wall. I am curious though…. couldn’t you have cut the front of the box off and stapled the towel along the top edge and then all they would have to do is flip the towel up over the top of the box? Then they wouldn’t even have to remove it! Well either way, it’s a fantastic idea and looks great! Looks much better and fits in with your beautiful décor.
Pamela that is an awesome idea!!
wow, great idea and I will definitely replicate but for an “out of sight” appliance box! I have to make a Costco trip tonight, so there’ll be a box in my future, and like you I have all the other items. My tea towel features hydrangeas!
BTW, thank you for purchasing Frito-Lay products. I work for PepsiCo, of which Frito is one of our billion dollar brands!
Honestly, who started the the TV on display trend? I keep all of ours ‘hidden’ and my kids tell me how old fashioned I am. Why is having a huge TV on top of the furniture (instead of INSIDE the furniture) somehow more attractive? Come on, kids, is it really that much effort to swing two doors open before you throw yourselves on the couch? I know that it’s only opening the doors because I’m always closing them later, however, that’s ok because it’s the only exercise I get some days! Now if you could please come up with something very frenchy for the remote controls….
Ha, you can hide the remotes in a pretty box.
Hi Anita: you’re going to laugh at this! After knee surgery, for the first few weeks, I laid on the bed a fair bit. I had books, etc. to pass the time but my husband kept offering to bring up our (smallish) TV from the basement and put it on the dresser thinking I was bored stiff.
As for me? I said “no thanks” to the TV offer as I preferred boredom over looking at an ugly TV on the dresser and ruining my decor!! Only someone who loves decor would understand this and if only I’d thought of your box idea before surgery!
Yes Elaine, I get it!!
Great idea, refuse to have a big black tv, catching dust on display in any room in my home…I’ve been playing around with a painting, but a box would work better. Thanks for sharing Anita.
I used my hard drive as a booster for our indoor artificial tree. I too wrapped it up in burlap and Voila! Instant stand. Anita your Cistco box looked awfully small! I wish my TV would fit in that but seriously this is on my list of projects now! Just a different sized box for the flat screen on the wall!
Very clever and doable especially for non sewers.
Great idea…turning on-hand supplies into useful items is why we crafters stash all those leftover odds and ends from previous projects. You just never know when a new idea will pop into your head and you have just what you need in your stashed stuff to complete another project.
Genius! Pure genius! I read once that “Taste is the feminine of genius” Beautifully done. Would love to create a similar design for the TV in our sunroom. I don’t value tv very much either. In seeing some of the Emmys, I realized I’ve got no idea what’s going on in tv land (excluding Game of Thrones of course) lol. Thanks for sharing.
Wonderful answer to an eyesore. Thanks for sharing.