Want to see my new light fixture? Don’t be jealous!! It was one of my thrift store bargains. Looks pretty bad, huh? Apparently no one at the thrift store wanted it. Everyone saw an ugly light fixture. I saw a deal!
So how do you spot something special? Well I look at the shape and design of the piece and ignore the color. Color can usually be easily changed with paint. I sprayed it white, then dry brushed some gray paint on it.
So look for something with a lovely shape that needs some paint. That is where the bargain is found. This was about $38, but had it been the right color, it would have been much more.
Next I changed out the candle sleeves for something much prettier. Well, what do you think? This one required no wiring, because it plugs into the wall.
I’ve got it in our downstairs hallway, where it can get dark at night. Yes you can see the cord, but I chose to ignore it. That’s right, I’m not a perfectionist. If I were I would never get anything done. Yes I risked it not working when I got it home, but if you are at the thrift store you can always ask if it works, or better yet, ask if you can check it with their outlet.
I don’t think it’s a big deal to get things rewired, but I haven’t done that yet.
While we are on the subject of sconces, want to see the other bargain sconces I’ve found for a bargain?
These were found on Craigslist. They are amazing, and I got them for a great price since the owner bought them, then decided not to use them.
These were not a fabulous deal, but then again they were. What I mean is that they were reasonably priced. Not super cheap, but not ridiculous either. Yes I love a bargain as much as the next person, but I am also willing to pay for quality. So I didn’t mind paying for these.
Just keep in mind if you are going to find a bargain, that means there will be something ‘wrong’ with it. Either it needs paint or new fabric or you have to drive to the other side of town to pick it up. But as they say, “It was so worth it!”
how come I live in Houston and never find such great bargains? Please share where to look in Houston and what categories you check on Craigslist and eBay.
Ha Michle, I shop all over town. The trick is to go often. The good stuff is only there a few hours. If you only go seldom, you won’t find the good stuff. Try the Guild. They have amazing things.
I don’t know a woman out there who doesn’t get giddy from finding a treasure and especially one that we can customize. The sconce looks great.
Another Houstonian here – The Guild is great for bargains and I also like Blue Bird Circle and The Assistance League. Craigslist is my favorite though. If you’re looking for something in particular I would recommend setting up an “alert” for the search term. Craigslist will email you every time a new item is posted containing that term. For instance I have an alert set up for “bar cart” right now.
Thanks for the Craig’s list tip. I find great buys at Goodwill when I’m visiting Houston. My friend and I call it G W’s. We live a bargain.
The little light looks great! I love the little candle sticks on it. The trick for me is when I see it, some way to use it immediately comes to mind. Or if I have seen it on a blog or Pinterest and am looking for something similar. Or if I just like it. You are so right about painting it. 9 out of 10 things I buy get a paint job. Thinking outside the box helps to find a treasure. Using it for something different than the way it was intended to be used. That’s a treasure for me!
I never thought of painting it all over but, it works,it’s very pretty and gives it a whole new look.Thank you.
I’m having problems when I open you message. Only the left side of your page shows up. How do I widen the margins so I can see/read the whole page?
Rosalie, I talked to my tech guy and he said that might be an issue with older browsers. You should be able to resize it to fit your screen. What browser are you using? Which operating system? If you can give me that info I’ll check with my tech person.
Your thrift store sconce is just an amazing transformation, Anita! Thanks for those tips for keeping our eyes open for things that can be transformed for our homes.
um did I miss something? You never really shared with us what the bargin price was, so how do I determine if it was a bargain? I understand it may be different for each of us, but some price idea I think is warranted .
Excellent point annlimited! Here is what I added to the post.
So look for something with a lovely shape that needs some paint. That is where the bargain is found. This was about $38, but had it been the right color, it would have been much more.
I adore how you find the true beauty in any given object!!!
Your thrift shop bargain is elegantly repurposed, dear friend!!!
Thank you for the gentle reminder to look for beauty all around us!!!
Score! Nice!! Have you ever used cord covers? Thin tube, adhesive on flat side adheres to wall, then paint out same color as wall surface. Cord is inserted into tube through narrow slit .. Best to install in straight right angles…. clean and next best to having it hardwired.
Awesome idea Charlotte!
Agreed. I marvel at how many house photos show no sign of cords. Kind of a relief when I do see a cord here and there. Shows that not everyone is a perfectionist!
The covers don’t show because the editors at the magazines and books deliberately photoshop them out. I read that not too long ago. Doesn’t seem fair to those of us who live with cords, does it?
Hi Anita, I’m new to your blog and a new blogger. I go to thrift stores several times a week and I know I’ve seen at least one of these sconces and never purchased it. Thanks for sharing the potential of this sconce. I’ll definitely keep your beautiful sconce makeover in mind when I go back to the thrift store.
Welcome to blogging Stephanie!!
Yep, the cord would drive me nuts…..but it looks lovely. Great find, talented lady!! Love all your projects!
Love it! Just for fun, you could go to Hobby Lobby/Michael’s or whatever is close, buy some fake greenery and wrap it down the length of the cord. Could ad a little interest.
The Cottage Shop on Westheimer in Montrose is a great place for unique treasures in Houston!
i am so excited to have found your blog. so many beautiful ideas and great instruction to boot! i am a new subscriber.
i don’t think that you mentioned above, what colors paint did you use on this transformation? looks like a grey and cream, but i’d love to know exact names as color is so tricky.
beautiful light fixture. the before and after is pretty dramatic! after all these years, it never ceases to amaze me what a coat of paint can do.
It is SW agreeable gray if I remember what is in this post.
Love it! I would like to find out where to buy those candle sleeves? Thanks for inspiration for a first time visitor!
I bought them at a local lighting store.
I am new to your blog. Thank you from someone who goes to my local Goodwill store on a daily basis (well almost) and gets “little girl giddy” when I find my treasure. It literally is like going on a treasure hunt every day. I live in an extremely affluent area in Fairfield County CT and people give away some really expensive items (and boy does that make me happy :-)). When people come over and say they like something I’m happy to share that it came from Goodwill or the side of the road for free and was repurposed. Be warned though, I love to share my finds.
Welcome Melodye!!! I’m so happy you’re here. Yes to the thrift store finds!
I’ve called myself the “Goodwill Queen” for more years than I want to say! Thrift stores are like cheap therapy for me. You lose yourself in the hunt. I’ve always looked at items and think, “What else could this become?” They’re THE best source for what I call raw materials–whether it’s cannibalizing items for parts to become something else, or repainting as you’ve done with this gorgeous light fixture! (Yes, I’m jealous!) I recently moved to Oxnard, CA. At the Goodwill here, they don’t allow customers to use the bathrooms. That’s new to me and cuts short my treasure hunting. Just have to find more thrift stores in my new town! Thanks for the wonderful post!
Great article! You really have the ‘eye’ for seeing an ugly item and changing it out.
Good information on what to look for. I go every week to the stores in my area. I don’ buy often. It has to be a really special piece. but I do enjoy the hunt for something that I can use.
Love the wall sconce transformation! I just rescued a pair of wood wall sconces from my Mom’s estate sale that is planned for this weekend. I have not yet tried the chalk paint technique, so I will try it on these sconces. I will take a before and after photo to share…that is, if they look decent!!!
It looks 1000% better, and I love the paint treatment!!! One should always look at what it” could” look like, not what it looks like when it is purchased. I love treasure hunting. A good place here is the local Habitat store. I have seen and purchased some beautiful and quality bargains there, but they don’t last long, Better get it while it is there because it probably won’t be there later!! You made a not so attractive piece look like a more expensive piece. I too love to find and refurbish,both for home and for my shop for resale. It benefits us bargain shoppers for other people that pass it by because they may not be as crafty as some of us in making an awesome transformation!!Lucky for us! It is very lovely sconce NOW! It look so much more attractive after your touch!!Wonderful job!
I love your “finds” and restoration of them. I’m a real “thrift” shopper who enjoys it immensely, as well!
Your sconce is lovely and I also am not a perfectionist, but I’m curious about cord covers. I just refinished swing arm lamps that have cord covers, should the cord covers match the wall or the lamps? Thank you for any input.
I think they look better if they blend in, which means match the wall.
You did a great job making over the green thrift store light. It is beautiful now! Thanks for continuing to share your ‘trash to treasure’ projects!
I love your fixtures! I also love finding a bargain & giving it a “flip” if something I like has “good bones” I just customize it!
It’s tough to find bargains at second-hand stores if you are not familiar with the average retail price of particular items.