I know it’s spring because my calendar says ‘April’, but seriously? It’s in the 50’s today, and that’s not normal for South Texas. I’m used to weather in the 70’s and 80’s this time of year. So even though the weather is not cooperating, I’m still going to talk about decorating for spring. I think our cold should be gone in 24 hours. I hope you are having beautiful spring weather at your house.
Of course my favorite way to decorate for spring is with fresh flowers, but there is so much more you can do. I love to add plants, which reminds me, I really need to water them today, before I forget.
Moss balls, and birds nests on candlesticks are perfect for spring. Add a birds nest and moss to a cloche too for a spring look. You can find my post on how to make moss balls CLICK HERE.
Other ideas are to display colorful dishes, change out the hand towels in the bathrooms, and tea towels in the kitchen. Add some bunnies or lambs to the room.
Think of ways you can add spring color to your home. You can change out some of your bedding or maybe seat cushions in your chairs. Add flowers (faux or real) to a lantern. Use the lantern again in the fall filled with pumpkins, then fill it with Christmas ornaments in December.
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The other way great way to add a spring refresh to your home is with pillows. I love changing out the pillow covers for my pillows throughout the year. It gives the room a fresh look all of the time. You can find my spring decor and pillow favorites for Amazon here Amazon.com/shop/cedarhillfarmhouse
Below you’ll find some of my very favorite pillows for spring. Many of these are from Overstock, so the prices are reasonable.
I wish your daughter the best. My son has been in a similar situation awhile now and tho I will always miss him, it’s best for him. Thankfully you can see her often; I can’t. Thank you for speaking!!
No beautiful Spring weather here in Indianapolis. We had 1/2 inch of snow overnight and temps are in the mid 30s. Yikes – will warmth ever get here?
Congratulations to your daughter and empathy for you. They grow up way too fast. For example, my 29 year old grandson just became engaged to the wonderful woman he’s been with for over 3 years. Yes – grandson …. I was a very young bride, for sure. I’m looking forward to seeing them tackle the truly adult world of married life. I’m sure your daughter will be successful and you will survive her moving away.
I was heartbroken when my children left home. My husband and I never understood why our friends would say they couldn’t wait for their kids to graduate and leave home.
We are still close to our children. It’s really hard and you don’t have to pretend otherwise. It’s OK
Oh, and by the way, I spoke for many years at various churches, retreats, etc. I, too, hope I helped and was encouraged when someone told me I did. We are meant to be “encouragers”.
God bless.
Oh you are so sweet Rebecca. Thanks so much for the sweet message. My youngest will be at home for awhile, but yes it will be a sad day when she moves out.
Anita, first of all, these are lovely. The selection of pillows blew me away. I want them all (but I also want to stay married, so maybe not!). I am copying (or at least trying to replicate) the tabletop vignette with the cloche and “nested” candlesticks. Absolutely love! Secondly, and more importantly, my thoughts and prayers are with you as you face the separation from Elise. What you have done is the right thing and I commend you for having the courage, wisdom and love to do it. My prayers go out for God’s peace to accompany you daily, especially in those moments of doubt or longing. Thank you for the example you are to so many!
You are so sweet Maggie. It’s been very difficult, but yes I have to put her needs ahead of my own. Hugs Maggie!