You asked how I hung these plates on the way, and FINALLY I am revealing how I hang plates.
Remember those old wire plate hangers that we used to use? I would take them off of plates, and put them in the cabinet, and they would become a jumbled mess. I really prefer not seeing the hangers. You can use a disk hanger, but they are expensive, especially if you are doing a wall of plates.
So how did I do it? Here’s my plate hanging secret. First I bought some Gorilla glue, but you can use whatever kind of glue you want. It needs to be strong sturdy glue. I also bought electrical tape and D rings. D rings come in different sizes and you can get the size you want.
For the first plate, I glued the D ring in place, but as the glue dried it seems to expand and moved the D ring away from the plate. So for the second plate, after I glued the D ring in place, I used some electrical tape to hold it in place. DO NOT use just the tape without using glue. The tape is just there to hold the ring in place while the glue dries.
Check the plate several times while it dries, because as the glue dries it can immobilize the ring so that it won’t swing out any more. Keep moving it to be sure it does not glue in place. I let it dry overnight. You can see the dried glue in the photo below.
I think you could use masking tape, since it is just needed during the drying process. The other thing I want to tell you is that this is fairly permanent, so make sure that is going to work for you. I think even with the D ring on the back, you could still use the plates later for eating if you like. I did remove the glue and ring from a few plates using a knife, but I can’t guarantee it will come off.
So of course as with any advice I offer here, I am simply sharing my experiences, and cannot guarantee you will achieve the same results. Use this technique at your own risk.
Also I want to remind you that I have a book signing on Saturday at
Heights Antiques on Yale
Saturday, September 5, 2015
10:00 am to 6:00 pm
2110 Yale Street
Houston, Texas
And here are a few favorite new things I’ve added to my shop. The Cow and bull medallion set are so full of farmhouse style.
I am also really excited about these floral medallions that look like architectural fragments.
And don’t forget my book!! Here I am at Barnes and Noble checking to be sure they had my book in stock and Country French magazine. Don’t worry; I moved my book down so people could see it more easily. That’s me, just helping the staff!
That is so clever! Who knew!! Thank you so much, Anita!
Have a wonderful Sunday!
Thank you for sharing your way of hanging plates. I’ve just started collecting them and wanted to hang them but didn’t want to use the hangers. I will buy the supplies the next time I go shopping. I have gotten the Country French magazine and plan to get your book soon.
Yay Karen!!
Just to let you know, I’ve found an even easier way! They now make a “Command Strip” piece that is two heavy duty pieces of velcro that just attaches to you wall and your plate. They can even be removed with no problem!
I LOVE Gorilla glue. I think have almost all the different kinds and use them so much. They have a clear Gorilla Super Glue that I also use that does not expand; it might work better than their expanding glue? Plus it’s clear. Thanks for the great hint. I have some plates I will do will do this with. I hate those metal hangers too.
Good information Debbi!!
Thanks, Anita, for sharing that great idea with us! Congratulations on your magazine feature and your book!!!
Thanks for the great tip. Congrats! On your book.
Have a great day.
will you have a book signing near Pasadena ?
I received my book today and it’s lovely. Haven’t had a chance to sit down with it. Looking forward to reading it! Rebecca
Perfect timing!!! I have 2 large charger plates that I need to hang. Also, congratulations on the book and magazine feature!!!!
You are such a clever girl, and moving your book to help out theB&N folks, that is hilarious.
Very clever technique ! Congratulations on the book release and magazine feature. It must have been so exciting to see your book on the shelves in the store.
I use these, because they go on easily and pretty securely… and they come off clean as well without endangering the plate.
I am loving this book and you are funny,helping B&N with their display, good job. Don’t forget to breathe!! Have a great day Anita.
I used the command strips for an expensive plate and one day it just fell off the wall and broke! I followed the directions and used the ones for a heavier item. Do not use for something you care about!
I still use those wire plate hangers, dear friend!!!
I know, I know. . .but I do use my serving platters during the Holidays!!!
Thanks for the tip and I’ll share it with others!!!
Be careful moving your book. . .you may just get an invitation for employment!!!
The voice of experience!!! (wink!)
One more idea to add to the bunch: I’ve had great success using tabs from soda cans secured with E-6000 to hang plates. If I’m worried that the tab is not strong enough, I glue two tabs back-to-back and then secure that to the back of the plate. Unlike a D-ring, the tab has no movement after being glued to the plate; I do not have to use tape or anything else to secure the tab to the plate while it dries; and maybe most important, the tabs are free (if you drink sodas).
Great idea Anita!..
Try using blue painter’s tape-roll up the amount you think will elevate the D-ring to the position you need. Then, there won’t be any need to babysit it while the glue dries. The most useful tool I’ve ever had is a single edge razor blade. I use them (buy in bulk pkg. at HD or Lowes) to rip out seams when sewing, scrape paint spatters off Windows, showers, mirrors, etc., remove messy over caulked areas in baths/kitchens, open pkgs., AND remove glue off off ceramics (like the backs of plates)! I’m obsessive about cleaning and these razor blades help in so many ways I can’t mention them all! I can’t wait to use your idea for hanging my plates and platters. I had the same experience with Command strips, even though I followed the directions meticulously. They are great for some things, but nothing breakable!
Great inexpensive idea, thanks for sharing!
I need and new bedside table. I have a machine that I have to use. I thought if I had a bedside table that had a deep drawer and a shelf or the floor that I could set my machine on. I have a cabinet that is either a dental cabinet or a type setters cabinet. It has about eight thin drawers.
Can you remember where you got yours. I checked value city because they have the Magnolia line but saw nothing. Thank you
It was from a wholesaler – British Market? Can’t remember, something like that.
Thanks you for your post about hanging plates. I love to decorate with them too but the other options become very pricey. I will have to try your method.
Great Idea! Thanks–most other ideas can get pretty pricey. Love the cheapness of this!
Now I can get my Transferware plates out of the hutch and on the wall to look at every day. Thank you Anita.
Great idea! I hate those wire hangers, too. Am certainly going to try this ASAP!
Thank you for sharing. I’m getting ready to do some plate hanging myself and your example is of such a help!
Love your plate hanging idea. I often wondered how magazines featured plates or platters on walls without showing wires or brackets. Your site gives us answers like that. Magazines do not. Thanks, Anita.!
That’s right Janet! I spill the secrets.
You and your other blogger friends are really helpin g me create my style. I sit in my family room wi t h my coffee in the morning and readid your r newsletters. And ideas start to spark about what I can add or delete from this room. So I start to move things around to see how they look. Thank you. Things are slowly coming together.
The thought of hanging plates on a wall scares me somewhat, because I love my plates and would be heartbroken if they fell and broke.
Your technique gives me confidence that the hanger will hold. I would probably leave the tape on as well.
Thank you.
I hope it works well for you Sandi. I’ve never had an issue, so I hope you don’t.