Spring isn’t officially here yet, but still I’m thinking ahead. Partly it’s because I’m in south Texas, and it’s been shorts weather for awhile now, and partly it’s just that I’m ready for my spring flowers.
I’m working on bringing real live plants into my home. I’m not making any promises. I don’t know how long they will live, but I’m going to try.
Above I used a little greenhouse and filled it with Spode teaware. Isnt that lamb a dreamy piece? I bought it locally in the Heights where I live (in Houston.) The large pitcher is French, so lovely with the pink. The lamb in vintage and very, very heavy.
I have another gorgeous lamb I pull out in the spring. Isn’t he pretty? I just love both of them.
Fresh flowers, or silk flowers or real plants are perfect for a fresh spring look.
I remember these dianthus that I planted in my ironstone sugar and creamer a while back. I loved this look!
This year, I forced paperwhite bulbs. You can find the instructions HERE.
I bought a bunch of paperwhites and they are in various stages of growth. Some haven’t bloomed yet, like these under the cloche.
I also bought some succulents at the store last week. I started with this beautiful pedestal from my friend Peggy. I LOVE that it’s so old and has so many signs of age and stains. Truly these pieces excite me.
I added some potting soil and added the plants. I like to add rocks in the bottom for drainage, but I think I didn’t have room in this container for that.
And there they are in the cloche. Full disclosure here, I’m not sure these are going to work long-term in the cloche. The cloche keeps everything moist, and I know succulents like to dry out. I’m keeping an eye on them, and may remove the cloche. We’ll see.
I can see exactly what my problem is. I have a brown thumb and not enough cloches! Have a great weekend!
I’m on the lookout for cliches today! I have several things I want to put under them. What a neat way to spotlight a small object!
Good ole autocorrect! Cloches, not cliches. (What’s a “clich” anyway!?)
I love your little lamb figurine. Can’t wait to get mine out!
Spring is definitely calling to me. I love the little plants under cloches and I quite enjoy reading your blog. Thanks.
Definately get those succulents out of the cloche…they will rot. Try ferns or baby tears in bright light and that brown thumb should turn green! Love your spring pictures!
Ferns are a great idea, and yes I’ll pull those babies out today!
I love this look and am going to try this this weekend. I have an enamel basin just like this one that will be perfect!
I watched the episode last night….and knew your touch was all over that house!!! Lovely!! So itching to get Sprinkle started also ….we in Texas have an advantage over our northern friends…the daffodils are blooming here.
Sprinkle???? Spring!!!!!
I love your lambs. They are the perfect sign of spring in decor. Do you have any suggestions where to find a large one? I search for them all year long locally but our antique options here are quite limited.
Cynthia, I am not sure where you live. I would look on eBay. Otherwise I just don’t know. I found this one at Heights Antiques on Yale, but it was the only one there.
Thank you so much for replying! I know your life is extraordinarily full. You are the first. I’m a faithful reader in Northern Nevada where there are limited options for quality antiques or replicas. Indeed I will look again on eBay. Thank you for the “extra” you extend to all of us. Thank you for the “extra” you extend to all of us.
Yes, I too watched the episode on DIY and saw your hand in it. I’m a little miffed your name was NOWHERE in the credits! I also refuse to believe you picked “celery” for a wall color. Just like a bandage, just rip it off quickly and tell me if you did. I’ll deal with it. Somehow.
Ginger you are so sweet! Well the production designer said I might not make the credits, since I was a guest there. I got there when the house was finished and only worked on the decor. So no, I did not pick out any paint colors, tiles or faucets, etc. And even with the furniture, we had very limited options. But I was happy with how things turned out.
Yes Spring brings out that yearning to fill my home with plants and flowers too. I do not have a green thumb, so I depend on hubby to keep them alive! Love the little flowers and plants under the cloches.
Thanks for the ideas. I will have to watch the show sooo exciting.
I’m not sure if it will make a difference but you are suppose to use cactus mix instead of potting soil for succulents. Since there is condensation on your cloche, I would leave it off for a few days to dry out then put it back on. I’ve never tried putting mine under a cloche but I know too much water is the death of succulents. Good luck with that, if it doesn’t work they have some pretty convincing faux succulents now a days. (Wow, my hillbilly roots are showing, no pun intended.)
Yes I didn’t think the cloche was a good long term solution with the succulents. Thanks for the tips!!!
Oh, the greenery is divine! Love the cloches~I have a few and I want more, more….
I am on the lookout for a lamb or two. Love the sweet look they add. This calls for a trip to my local antique mall.
Anita, I listen to one of your Podcasts and I thought it was you but maybe it was one of the other ladies who was going to sell closhes on their website? Can you help me with this?
I always wondered if the Snow sister’s decorated their flips by themselves?
I found them on Amazon
Cloches are the best, gives whatever they are used over a feeling of importance.
Love the idea of using a cloche to add freshness to your vignettes
Thank you for the introduction to cloches! What a great way to accentuate a treasure! I am on the lookout!
You make decorating look so easy! It all works together.
Love your decorating style! You inspire me!
The lambs are my favorite.
Good luck with your plantings. I never have success with containers that do not have drainage.
Hi Anita,
Love your cloches! I am shopping on E-Bay, looking for some for my upcoming Spring decorating.
Also, love the podcast–keep up the great work.
And I am jealous of your temperatures! Here in Wisconsin, we are still under three feet of snow! But, I do love it, too!
Oh wow! It’s been hot here!
Love your ideas!
Beautiful spring arrangement…you always inspire me!
I raise tons of succulents here in california. The glass domes are super popular as displays right now. I have to say that for a split second I thought the hand inside the glass dome was pointing the middle finger. Hahahahaha sorry, just so funny. Instagram alfabet65
Oh my Betty! I can assure it it is NOT the middle finger!
I like that little brown lamb too. He is so cute. The flowers look really pretty planted in the pitchers.
I really like the DTT iTunes podcasts. The way you use florals is very inspiring. I like that peachy colored pedestal. Thank you.
Thanks Jeanine. That’s one of my favorites.
I realize this is an old post but couldn’t help myself from commenting on the display with the little lamb. It would make a great book cover for a murder mystery with the lamb being the murder weapon! Maybe I should be writing novels instead of looking at all these lovely displays….