A cloche is one of the most versatile decor items you can own. It’s a chameleon that changes depending on what you put under it. The truth is, they are amazing even with nothing in them. The other reason I love using a cloche, is because it elevates whatever is under it into something of importance. A cloche does to what is in it, what a frame does to a painting. It makes it feel important, and draws attention to it.
But let’s chat about what you can put in a cloche.
Above, I added an empty wire basket. I love the curly cues, and wanted the focus on the design of the wire basket. You can also use string lights to give the room a fun, festive quality.
I love using a cloche for moisture loving plants like ivy. Beware of using a cloche for a plant that like a dry atmosphere.
Below I have a moss ball in a planter under a cloche. Next to it, another cloche holds a bird’s nest.
Next I used a ceramic hand and a stack of books.
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Check out my favorite cloches and goodies to put in there at Amazon. CLICK HERE.
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Here I have more plants under cloches. The one on the right holds succulents. That was just temporary. I had to move them out of the cloche, because it was too moist for them.
Below is a very small cloche that holds antique toy soldiers.
You can put most anything in a cloche. I’ve used cloches to display plants, dishes, a special pitcher or fun figurine, but something as simple as a few books is perfect.
I put a vintage trophy under the cloche below.
If you have an Eiffel tower, why not?
So inspirational- thanks
I love your inspirations for the cloche and your decor is beautiful
Hugs Norma.
Love noting that you follow the “odd number rule” in placing your cloche vignettes ~ that is, 1, 3, 5 … even 7, items, counting the filled cloche as one. Love all your presentations, Anita!
Yes perfect advice Kathleen.
I put French books, old French letters, old French Keyes and angel wings! I love the look!
Excellent ideas Adele.
Thanks Anita! I love all your ideas! I go to Paris twice a year to visit my son and his family! I love to go to the brocante shows!
What great ideas!!!!! I love mine also!!!! So fun to change out for the different Holidays!!!! ? Roxann
Lovely, Anita. You’ve inspired to begin a Pinterest Board Things to Put Under a Cloche. I don’t have vut a few cloches, including cake domes, but I just might start picking up more when I find them. One of my favorites is a bee hive style glass cake dome that I found at Home Goods recently. Thanks for the inspiration!
Hi Anita, I love the idea of changing the scenery under the cloche, so simple to alter the ambience and enhance our treasured odds and bobs, I’ll be using this décor tip thanks.
Sounds wonderful Pauline.
Your posts and home are stunning! I popped over from #DIYdreamer and have pinning lots from your site!
I am just starting to decorate my cloches for Spring. Thank you for the inspiration.
Great suggestions for what to display in a cloche. I always feel all this pressure to create some kind of epic vignette under glass but I love the idea of thinking of it as a frame for highlighting a plant or a single decorative object. Thanks for Sharing Your Style with us!
I do love how things look in a cloche. Thanks for sharing some great inspiration. #HomeMattersParty
Great inspiration?thank you!