Buying antiques is one of my most favorite hobbies. I don’t even want to tell you how many hours I have spent shopping. Happily my obsession is helpful to readers of my blog, because I’ve learned a lot from years of shopping.
Before we get to my shopping tips, be sure you know your decorating style first. CLICK HERE. First be sure you know your decorating style before you start buying antiques.
Check out all of the silver below. I love buying old silver!!!
People get rid of it because they don’t like to polish it. I don’t mind tarnish so I’ve bought a lot of silver in my day. Silverplate obviously is going to be a lot cheaper than sterling. I typically buy the silverplate only.
Today we are talking on the podcast about how to buy antiques and sharing our favorite tips.
You can buy antiques and vintage items at thrift stores, antique stores, consignment stores, flea markets, resale shops, garage sales, estate sales, and online at eBay and Etsy.
Below you can see the dish room at the the Guild Shop
CLICK HERE to see my post about it. Can you imagine a room full of vintage dishes? Yes this slice of heaven really exists!
The prices go down over time if the item doesn’t sell. Most of the consignment stores operate the same way.
I look for things that I am excited about, that speak to me. I typically avoid things like wobbly chairs or things that need repair work. CLICK HERE to see how I spot thrift store bargains.
I also love buying things at auction. I’ve bought a bunch of things at auction like…
this armoire, this table and the chairs.
I found these doors at the auction too.
These chairs below are from an auction.
And the basket and armoire below are also from the auction.
Have you ever been to an auction? It’s so much fun! You can get my tips for auction newbies CLICK HERE.
The auction house I attend often is Gallery Auctions in Houston, CLICK HERE.
One of my favorite shops for antiques in Houston is HEIGHTS ANTIQUES ON YALE.
This post is not sponsored. I am just sharing some of my favorite sources.
I have collected silver pieces over the years. Personally, I like when they have are slightly tarnished. Actually, I enjoy polishing but the look of an aged piece gives credence to my pieces. Just picked up another medium platter with several surface scratches. Will buff. Love the Backsplash platter displayed. Will copy as a good place for the new Platter.
I love antiquing too. I buy vintage silver, oil paintings, furniture etc. I used to go to auctions when I lived in Tennessee years ago. It was a lot of fun!
I have a friend that had a china room! I think it was the size of a small bedroom with shelves lining the walls and a shelf unit that divided the room. Shelves filled with china and crystal! I couldn’t believe it. And yes she did use most of it. At her estate sale I bought 14 place settings of my china pattern (Autumn by Lennox) really cheap. My thought was one or both of my granddaughters would like to have it and I would have enough for both of them. I am not sure they are going to want it – maybe one day.
That is amazing Linda! I would love to see a photo of that room.
That is amazing Linda! I would love to see a photo of that room.
That is amazing Linda! I would love to see a photo of that room.
I love love love buying antiques. And if I can buy them at auction, even better.
You always have amazing mirrors in your posts. I’m having trouble finding ones that are affordable
I don’t shop big box stores (if I can help it). We live in an area with lots of flea markets, consignment estate shops and antique stores. Most of my home decor is antiques. Great post!!
I love hunting for good buys at thrift stores. My go to favorites are blue and white anything, white ironstone from England, and old silver pieces. I mostly shop Goodwill since there are so many near me and have been lucky with a few great pieces. But I have passed up a lot of silverplate pieces because I just no longer have room for them or know how to use them. Getting great ideas from your blog…love the silver platter on backsplash! Have never even attended an auction…seems I am missing out…lol,
Thanks for all the great inspiration!
Oh yes auctions are so fun Judi.