I read once that if you are with the crowd, you’re in the wrong place. I don’t agree with that all of the time, but the author has his point. There are things I see in other homes that I love and want in my home. That probably happens to you too. But do I feel pressured to have a home like everyone else? No. I’m seeing a lot of homes in blogland that are contemporary, full of color and everything shiny new. They look great, and I appreciate the talent and think the look is great, but it’s not exactly for me.
I’ll take the old, discarded things of the past. I like caring for them. I like saving them for future generations. I appreciate the handcrafted beauty of handmade, one-of-a-kind
You can’t go to the store and buy something like this new.
The santos stands guard over the church relic in the dining room. An old champagne bucket holds a moss ball, while an old trophy cup holds a boxwood ball.
I think the point is to decide what your look is, then go boldly forward. Some people will love it, and some will not like it. That’s okay. I know not everyone gets my look.
If I followed the crowd, my house would look like everyone else’s. It wouldn’t have the character it does. There’s nothing wrong with trends and borrowing ideas from others. I just think it’s good to infuse something unique to you in your home. And it’s even better when that ‘something unique’ has meaning to you. Maybe you are a musician, so why not display some old instruments on your wall? Or maybe some old sheet music?
Below I have this gorgeous piece of salvage from a church.
Remember when I had it in my downstairs powder room? Although I wasn’t crazy about hiding it in the bathroom, I couldn’t find another place for it. But then I sold the painting that was in my stairwell, and put my church arch there. I kept the angel from Christmas, because, why not?
I like where this church piece is now. It looks so regal here. The bonus is that I can see it from downstairs in the kitchen or living room.
There are many things that can give your home a unique look. You can infuse your personality with pillows, artwork and accessories. Or maybe what is unique about your home is how you pull things together or the colors you use. I would love to hear what you do to your home to give it a unique feel.
I couldn’t agree more. Figure out your own personal style and season lightly with inspiration from others.
Happy Mother’s Day!
I love this article so much! Permission to ” do you”!
I completely ageee! It’s easy to follow everyone else and buy the same things, follow the same trends and doing a little, I think is fine but then when trends change, you’re look is instantly out of style.
Love your look Anita, and like you, I love antiques, dishes, old pieces with charm and a story.
I appreciate your post today. I look at blogs and think ‘I need to crisp things up’ or ‘Perhaps I should….’ which is a valid point. So I try to add or change a bit here and there, but I can’t escape me and what I love. I love color, I love old things. You have got me interested in some things that I never was before. Thanks.
DON’T GO CHANGING! Your obvious talent is uniquely you. I love lots of things in my home, the times I edit and go for the “clean sparser look” make me feel uncomfortable. I always end up bringing more in or bringing back out all my treasures. I love antiques and the history and warmth they bring to a home. Your blog is beautiful and very enjoyable to peruse. Many blessings.
I enjoy your designs,comments, and suggestions. It gives me encouragement to make my house a home.
Once again you have articulated something I have been feeling recently. I went on a few home tours for Spring, and was a bit taken aback by… the sameness. It left me wondering “where is the personality, originality, creativity?” I have cobbled together our home using pieces from my Grandmother, pieces from my family home, pieces that my husband brought from his first marriage, even a set of ’40’s vintage suitcases that belonged to my best friend’s father! It’s a non-ending challenge & adventure to keep them all in harmony! And from your posts/blog, I often find ideas I can spin in my own home! Also – totally the love the podcasts – you ladies do a great job. I am often find myself laughing right along with you!!
Couldn’t agree more!!!!!! I’m in several design groups……and I read a comment from one of the members from Europe….(one of my Fixer Upper groups) and she didn’t mean to offend anyone in the group….but she said by the pics that were being posted it looks like she could enter anyone of our homes in America and another…..and another…..and that she would feel like she stayed in the same home!!!!! Her point was they all look the same!!!!! She said over here (Europe) things are passed down from generation to generation and they are maintained and used ….and usually everyone’s homes look very different from each others…. I have felt this way most of my life……I love new ideas and trends…..always fun to see what’s next…..steal some new ideas but I don’t want my home looking like everyone elses!!!!!!! Well maybe yours!!!!!! Lol…. ? Roxann
Totally agree.
I enjoy seeing your treasures. I completely agree with you. Investing in some pieces I love has changed our home. I figure little by little with a few investment pieces with other pieces I love is the way to go. It isn’t a race.
I love that you celebrate your home being unique and not “cookie cutter”. I love the vintage, chippy paint French decor and I understand that it is not for everyone. It takes a lot more creativity and imagination to piece together the old and new pieces in a stylish manner.
My style tastes have changed drastically over the years…my house used to be ultra-contemporary (think Miami Vice), to transitional to traditional. I have always been a Europhile, but I now embrace the old rather than the new. I am absolutely addicted to anything French or Italian. My mother’s home has always been Ethan Allen Early American, so I think that is why I ran in the opposite direction when it was time to set up my own home. Now, my mother has things in her home that I covet (she has toned down the extreme Early American). I guess I’ve come full circle!
Happy Mother’s Day, Anita❤
My home was built in 1904. There had only been two other families ever lived here when we purchased it in 1997. The previous owners had done some remodeling and the decor was with the olive green shag carpets that covered white oak flooring, heavy drab drapes on the new windows etc. etc. I love the old and wanted to lighten up the interior while still honoring the age that I love, Victorian. I quit watching the t.v. home decorating programs as every re-model or “up date” looked the same and they always tried to make older homes look modern. My hand me down special antiques etc. and garage sale bargains fit in and make me feel cozy and happy. I love lace curtains and fancy brick brac and it is who I am at age 77.
I have friends who change their total look every few years and I do not follow the trends. I love to switch things around and and a few new “old” pieces but certainly cannot afford to replace all the furniture etc. I like changing curtains, pillows, etc. with the seasons and holidays and rearranging for a new look. You are right about not feeling obligated to follow what is “in”. I am surrounded with what I love and so what if others might think they are stepping back in town when they enter my home!
Amen Marie to the lace curtains!! Mine just plain make me happy seeing them hanging and the light filtering through. 🙂
In my early years I decorated with modern style, but as the years have gone by….I tend to love French decor best, pretty creamy elegant fabrics, not to matchy……I love an elegant relaxed style with French mixed in…..I know a lot of people are going crazy with farm style right now but all that chippy straight line furniture while pretty isn’t for me, now give me a pretty curvy French piece and I’m in heaven…..
Wishing you a very Happy Mothers Day….
Sorry, typo in above should have read “stepping back in Time”
I worked in a gift shop for almost 10 years. The owner liked to change displays frequently. When I first started,I shyed away from doing it because I didn’t have the confidence to get the look she wanted. She made me do it and i learned a lot. As a result, I now change up my home with ease. I do what I like not what the trend is,I also learned that at an early age.
I like to mix French,Italian and a bit of English,I guess you could call me a europhile.
Your old church piece is fabulous,I would love to find something like that.
Happy Mother’s Day! I am fiercely unique in regards to the design of my home and my garden and have found that most people find my style pleasing. I have always refused to be a follower! Loved this post and all your posts! Best wishes!
I agree. The individuality is what makes our home interesting. When it’s all the same as everyone else’s, it gets boring.
I totally agree, Anita. I love things with a history. They mean so much more to me, than something new. Your church relics are beautiful! Wishing you a wonderful Mother’s Day!
Lovely post, Anita. And, I LOVE where you put that piece on your stair landing. Perfect place for it! Makes a very peaceful statement.
Love, Love, Love your church pieces! What treasures and blessing to your beautiful home. I would love to see the piece on the stairway by itself. As much as I appreciate angels I think that one distracts from the stateliness of the piece. Just sayin’…
(Of course who’s the professional design consultant, right?)
Your home is beautiful. I especially like that stand that the Santos is on, would love to have one and can think of several areas to use it in. Love the uniqueness of it. Thanks for sharing.
So well said. Thank you.
So love a unique and personal home—- yours is and so is mine. We have to look at it,pay for it, clean and dust it–=of course, it should what each of us loves……
I agree with you 100%. And I absolutely adore your precious “nod” to religious artifacts. That brings some pretty awesome and strong Good Feng Shui to your life there.
I have always admired your style and unique take on decorating.
Thank you so much for entering me in your generous giveaway! ♥
You obviously hit a hot button for many of us. The title of your post caught my eye and I throughly enjoyed reading it! I’m in a time of updating and refreshing our home and have felt frustrated for various reasons. I started looking at some of my 15 year old Victoria magazines and was reminded of the styles I really love. What goes around, comes around – colors, furniture, etc. Peaceful to be me! Thank you!