This post is sponsored, which is to say I may have received some form of compensation from the company. What does that mean to you? It means this brand is supporting me so that I can continue to bring you high quality content. AND it means I LOVE their products or I wouldn’t be working with them. You come first, so I only partner with the best companies that I personally trust to do their best for you. The opinions are completely my own. OK, now, let’s get to the good stuff.
Just when I thought my life couldn’t get any cooler, Ballard Designs asked if I would like to talk about their new bedding line on their blog. (Does anyone ever say, ‘no’?) I’m been a loyal customer of Ballard Designs since before the internet, when you had to actually look at a paper catalog, and call them on the phone. I have purchased many an item from Ballard Designs over the years, so when I heard they were launching a new bedding line, I KNEW it would be GOOD.
If you follow me on Facebook , then you might know I had a hard time deciding which bedding I wanted for my bedroom. I asked my FB friends to help me decide which bedding I should select. I really struggled, because they were all so beautiful, until I saw the blue ticking stripe. I think I might have gasped out loud when I saw it. I mean… the ties are darling.
As you may know, I made much of my own bedding, but at the farm, I had previously bought some bedding that just wasn’t very exciting. I knew the room needed attention, but I have been pretty busy with our new house.
To be honest, I was pretty shocked at how much better I love this room now. The bedding is crisp, clean, neutral yet not boring.
Did you ever wonder why the duvets in the magazines look fluffier than yours at home? The big secret is to stuff them with 2 duvets. Yup, I used two. The bed was tall before, but now it’s really tall. Some people don’t like their beds this high, but for me, I feel like the Princes in The Princess and the Pea. I will warn you that if you use my trick, it will be very difficult to walk by your bed, and not slip in while you should be doing something else. I sneak in all the time now with my computer, and just lounge. I mean if I have my computer with me, then technically I’m working, right???
The new bedding improved the room so much, that I made a few more changes, like adding these darling antique blue bottles. I have no idea what used to be in them, I hope it wasn’t anything toxic.
I really love monograms which is a requirement to be a Southerner. It’s in the handbook.
Of course I love having fresh flowers in the room. It makes me happy.
I removed the fabulous hay painting in here, but that doesn’t mean it’s out the door. Oh no, it’s moved over to the guest quarters, and you’ll be seeing it again very soon.
If you didn’t visit yet, I would LOVE, LOVE to see you at Ballard Designs today. Come by and say hi!!
Congrats – how exciting! I love their new bedding. I am off to check out your post!
Cheers! – Shelley
Very nice bedding – congrats on the feature!
I saw you post over at Ballard’s and it was fantastic Anita…congrats again. The bedding is stunning as your room is!!…Have a wonderful weekend!
I got my catalog yesterday and instantly liked this bedding. Ticking is one of my favorite fabrics especially red or black ticking. Congrats on your feature……yea!
Inspiring! I’m off to shop!
Anita I remember seeing this on FB. I love the new bedding and Ballard is a favorite of mine. Congrats!!! I didn’t know about the duvet trick thanks for sharing!!!
Ballard Designs….another thing you have in common with Linsey.
Perfection with the blue ticking stripe duvet cover, dear friend!!!
In today’s world, with all the technology, why not work in your luxurious bed???
I, too, adore Ballard Desings…I’ve been a customer for years!!!
Thanks for sharing!
Beautiful bedding glad you chose the blue ticking its my favorite, looks great in the room. Keep on inspiring us with your great blog.
Ballard Designs has excellent customer service, too.
I love that blue ticking also…..might have to be a copycat and buy it! Loved your post!!
Good choice, it looks beautiful. I remember the “old” days of catalog thumbing and dialing for orders.
I too have loved Ballard Designs for years and have ordered many light fixtures from them. I was wondering if you have seen the burlap bed skirts. I want one but some of the reviews say the colors are off. Thanks for all the wonderful information and the beautiful pictures.
I’ve not seen that product in person, so I can’t answer that. 🙂
Anita, love the ticking bedding. It gives the room a crisp, fresh feel. Great choice!
I’m also a long time shopper at Ballards. It’s wonderful that they’ve been around for all these years. Love their products and service.
Love your choices for your room, Anita. I’m off to visit Ballard designs!
Love the blue ticking and the ties. On my way two the Ballard site.
Beautiful, Anita! I love the new bedding.
Anita, I discovered Ballard through your blog, this past fall. Haven’t ordered yet, (because I waited to long & the item was sold out) but just received a new catalog this week…getting ideas!! I too have a collection of old blue bottles & love the way you used them. Also have to chuckle for I must be a southern girl at heart for I LOVE monograms!! (Even though born, raised & still living in the north & with the winter we are having I’m just about ready to go south). Question on the duvet’s….do you insert 2 into the cover? I seen other pics were it looks like there’s a duvet on top of the mattress too in a white cover. Or are you using a feather bed?
Yes insert 2 duvets into the duvet cover.
Congratulations!! Your New room looks so inviting! Heading over to Ballard now~
Huggs, Nancy
Love everything Ballard’s. I don’t even call it Ballard Design, because I consider Ballard’s a friend and I love to shop there.
It’s amazing what new bedlinen can do for a room. I only finished my guest room a short time ago but already looking for a fresh new look for the bed. I love the duvet it makes the whole room come alive and what lovely detail, the tie tabs. I am heading over right now to see if they deliver to New Zealand.
Blue ticking has always been a favorite of mine. Your bedroom looks wonderful! Thanks for sharing with us!
Yay! they do ship to New Zealand so I am window shopping right this moment 🙂
Congrats Anita! I love Ballard Designs but haven’t ordered any of their products yet. Relly like the ticking stripes on the bedding and the antique blue bottles are pretty too. I have a question about your bedding at the city house. Where did you get the bedspread for your master bedroom that drapes from the top of the bed to the floor?
Sandy I made the bedding at the city house.
I love the bedding that you chose! I have always been a fan of Ballard Designs as well.
Love, love love your blog and have been a faithful but silent follower. However, the social media bar on the left side of the page is HIGHLY annoying and detracts from your content. Could you please rearrange its position? Or possibly SHRINK its size or make it more translucent? Grazie. Merci.
Oh I’m so sorry Nanita. I will check on it. I’m not sure how to do that, but I will try. Please be patient. I do take every piece of feedback very seriously.