Check out the schedule!!
Monday 7/22
Atta Girl Says
The Happier Homemaker
Rain on a Tin Roof
Better With Age
Top This Top That
Tuesday 7/23
Mom 4 Real
Cedar Hill Ranch (That’s me!!!)
Practically Functional
While Wearing Heels
French Country Cottage
Wednesday 7/24
The Lily Pad Cottage
Marty’s Musings
Confessions of a Plate Addict
Town and Country Living
Adventures in Decorating
Thursday 7/25
Good Life of Design
A Stroll Thru Life
Worthing Court
Back Porch Musings
The Rustic Pig
Friday 7/26
Our Southern Home
Stone Gable
The Everyday Home
Recreate and Decorate
Vignette Design
My home will be on the tour tomorrow, so come on over to see the ranch. I’m sharing a tour of the ranch, since my new house isn’t finished yet. I’ll be sharing a tour of the new house just as soon as we move in and I’ve got my dishes put away. Could be awhile.
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So excited, already started clicking through them…Thanks so much!
One of the best things about peeking online at houses is that you can do it in your nightgown and no one knows.
Looking forward to seeing all these home tours.
So excited to be a part of this! And so glad my tour is done 😉 LOL
Jamie @
Just, WOW, Anita! Crazy town is an okay place to visit, just don’t get too comfortable there! Hee, hee.